Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Long Time Coming

Good news…Tiffy, Greg, and Jackson are finally in their new (to them) house in Madison.  This has obviously been a long time coming!  They are thrilled to finally be reunited with the joys of a single family dwelling place.  Jackson can now run and jump and pound on the piano and his drums as loudly as he would like.  We spent the past week helping them get the house cleaned (I spent quality time bonding with the kitchen floor, Clorox, and a scrub brush) and all of their belongings moved.  There are still several boxes to unpack, but that will happen all in due time.  So happy for them….and George is super excited about his new vacation home!

I continue to battle the migraine monster.  We have been at odds for 17 years now.  I have grown accustomed to having headaches on a daily basis, but unfortunately the migraines continue to break through on occasion.  I just keep telling myself that I will outgrow them.  Unrealistic?  Maybe. 

Sunday afternoon Sam and I went for a little trip to Florence.  Our intentions were good.  We were going to help Pam get some things ready for Thanksgiving company.  As it turns my little sidekick was quite the distraction and we were no help at all.  Sam is happy to report, however, that he logged many snuggle hours while there.  Ty and Sam were both equally excited to see each other when we returned home on Tuesday.  I regret to inform you that Ty has taught Sam to make an awful sound that he have appropriately called “the barking duck.”  Sam knows that it annoys me, so he throws a sly little grin my way when barking.  Last week he learned the “Mmmm” sound, this week “the barking duck," hopefully his next sound will be from the world of sweet baby noises!

21 Weeks Old! 

Baby Sam is turning into a little boy.  (Of course he will always be his Mama’s sweet baby Sam!)  He quickly mastered rolling over and immediately began sitting up.  He will sit and play for periods of about 30 minutes before he needs a little break.  He is also starting to tuck his knees under him and try to scoot.  Where is the time going?

We had a playdate with Baby Owen this afternoon.  The boys looked so cute in their big boy clothes and shoes.  The play time was slightly less than exciting, but at least they both got a nap in. 

We then borrowed our neighbor’s yard so Sam could play in the leaves.  They have the most beautiful tree that has shed bright yellow leaves.  This was the first time Sam has played in leaves.  He was enthralled with the colors, noise, and feel of the leaves.  He played in them until he got down to dirt…and kept on playing until he had mud up to his elbows!  It is so special to watch a child experience for the first time things that have become commonplace to the rest of us.  Sam is a constant reminder to appreciate the little things in life.

FYI--No, Sam was not attacked by an angry cat.  He has always liked to rub his face and has grown increasingly interested in rubbing his head since he has started to sprout more hair.  He apparently just got a little overzealous!  


  1. Love the picture of Sam in the leaves! Thanks for coming over today, sorry little bit wasn't too playful. Enjoyed catching up though!
