One of the major things all Moms-to-be worry about is feeding their new baby. I think this concern is even stronger for breastfeeding moms. Thankfully, Sam has never had any difficulty in this department. He was clearly ready to nurse just minutes after he was born and immediately latched on. Sam took to eating like a duck to water. He loves all things food related. We even had to start feeding him baby food and cereal when he was four months old....even though the plan was for him to solely nurse until six months. All that changed when he threw a major hissy fit at the table when he was not able to eat with us. After weeks of eyeing us during meals, he finally decided that it was go time. From his first meal he ate well and he ate a lot! Our dining room was quickly turning into Sam's utopian paradise. Then we started introducing finger foods also. Each bite was a precious morsel to our sweet baby! After months of loving all things sweet potato, he has developed quite an affection for green foods. Broccoli, green beans, and sweet peas are proving to be especially enticing for our little guy. He will pick the green foods out and eat them first. We are now completely off of baby food/purees. The only time we spoon feed Sam is when he eats applesauce or yogurt. We have still yet to find a food that Sam dislikes! We are extremely thankful for a healthy eater!
Sam is the best eater I know! It truly is a blessing. Maybe one day his little buddy will learn to appreciate the finer things in food too : )