Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Date Night

Sweet baby Sam spent this past Thursday AND Friday night away from home.  I know, gasp.  Ty was approached by Dr. Coleman to do his scholarly activity on Celebrate Recovery, which is a Bible based recovery program for hurts, hang-ups, and addictions.  In order to get a better understanding of the program Dr. Coleman invited us to go to the weekly meeting held in Scottsboro.  Lucky for us, Bobbye, Buster, Papa Doc and Pammy were happy to keep Sam for us since we would be getting back late that evening.  We headed back to Huntsville around 8:30, but did not want to go home.  We didn't know what to do since we had already eaten dinner and had coffee at CR, so we went to Target.  Dull?  Maybe, but it was time together outside of the house.  Plus we got six boxes of our favorite cereal for dirt cheap!  Ty went to work the next day and I spent some time going to thrift stores and Home Depot...a wonderful morning indeed!  I then went to take some more food to my little friend and ended up spending several hours with Bobbye, Pammy, and Aunt Sarah.  Pammy, Sam, and I then went on a shopping excursion to track down some shoes that fit baby feet which happen to be about three inches wide, two inches long, and four inches high. Cute feet, difficult challenge!

Lucky for us yet again, Papa Doc and Pammy decided to stay another night!  Ty and I were able to go on a real date!  We ate the delicious Buffalo Chicken Fajitas at Chili's for dinner and then went to Target again...one of our cereal bags had a hole in it.  =(  We can't handle going to a 10:00 movie, so we went home.  It may sound boring, but it was perfect.  Back in our Auburn days our date nights often included getting a pack of Oreos, two glasses of milk, and two toothpicks.  We decided to relive those special times.  We lit candles, set up the Oreo station on the dining room table, and watched my favorite Indian sitcom on my laptop.  It was such a special night filled with wonderful conversation and laughter with my sweet husband.

Romance Ashley style.

The next morning I was able to do some Cricuting and other little things around the house that seem to be more difficult when my little friend is home and Ty got some work and studying accomplished.  Then Ty and I went to the YMCA and had great workouts!  We were very excited to be with Sam once again.  He did great on his little vacation.  He ate what he wanted and received constant attention from six people...an ideal situation for little Sam!  I warned them all that he will be talking in a few months, so he will be able to tell Mama all of the things they do while I am away (ahem, like drinking sweet tea)!  I am so thankful to have in-laws who I am thrilled for my child to spend time with.  An answered prayer.


  1. I love date night...must say I am a little envious of you two Oreos and all!

  2. What a cute post!! So glad ya'll have had some good quality time together! I know ya'll miss that! Keep the posts coming :)
